Esayas Youhannes | Ph.D. | Professor | Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia | 2021-2022 |
Suleyman Gokce | Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Bayburt University, Turkey | 2021-2022 |
Tianyu Wang | M.S. | Doctoral Student | China University of Geosciences-Wuhan, China | 2019-2021 |
Yichao Wang | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Tongji University, China | 2019-2021 |
Yi Bao | Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Stevens Institute of Technology | 2019 |
Haoliang Wu | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Southeast University, China | 2017-2019 |
Mingfeng Xu | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Tongji University, China | 2016-2018 |
Alex Neves Junior | Ph.D. | Visiting Scholar | Mato Grosso Federal University | 2017-2018 |
Jing Yu | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | 2016-2017 |
Hui Ma | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Southeast University, China | 2015-2016 |
Hezhi Liu | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Hohai University, China | 2014-2016 |
Cong Lu | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | 2015-2016 |
Zhigang Zhang | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Southeast University, China | 2013-2015 |
Jiangtao Yu | Ph.D. | Visiting Scholar | Tongji University, China | 2013-2014 |
Burak Felekoglu | Ph.D. | Visiting Scholar | Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey | 2012-2013 |
Kamile Tosun | Ph.D. | Visiting Scholar | Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey | 2012-2013 |
Juan D. Tabares | B.S. | Exchange Visitor | Argos, Columbia | 2012 |
Xiaoyan Huang | M.S. | Doctoral Student | University of Science & Technology Beijing, China | 2011-2013 |
Lili Kan | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Tongji University, Shanghai, China | 2008-09 |
Asami Yamamoto | B.S. | Master’s Student | Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan | 2008-09 |
Guadalupe Sierra “Lupita” | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Delft University of Technology | 2008 |
Estela Garcez | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | 2007-08 |
Jian Zhou | M.S. | Doctoral Student | Delft University of Technology | 2007 |
Andrea Spagnoli | Ph.D. | Associate Professor | University of Parma, Italy | 2007 |
Jun Zhang | Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Tsinghua University, Beijing, China | Feb., 2006 |
Santie Gouws | | Materials Technology Manager | Grinaker-LTA Limited | May, 2005 |
Deborah D.L.Chung | Ph.D. | Professor | University at Buffalo, SUNY | April, 2005 |
Jinsoo Kim and Sangsu Lee | | | Wonha Construction Company,S. Korea | Feb., 2004 |
Rasmus Walter | M.S. | | DTU | Sept., 2003 |
Al Innis | Ph.D. | Manager | Holcim, US | Sept., 2003 |
Chris Busck | Ph.D. | Pincipal | Busck Consult, Australia | Aug., 2003 |
Petr Kabele | Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Czech Tech. U. in Prague | Sept., 2002 |
David Juntenen | | Construction & Technology Division | Michigan Department of Transportation | Dec., 2001 |
Stephanie Haenny | | Project Manager | Rocla Concrete Tie, Inc., Colorado | Oct., 2001 |
Sarah Billington | Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. | April, 2001 |
Duk hyum Park | | Chairman | Wonha Construction Company,S. Korea | Jan., 2001 |
Henrik Stang | Ph.D. | Professor | Technical University of Denmark | 2000 |
Toshiro Kamada | Dr. Eng. | Associate Professor | Gifu University, Japan | 1998-1999 |